Updated: Daily update of the unclaimed estates list
The Division publishes a list of unclaimed estates which have been recently referred, but not yet administered, and historic cases which have not yet been claimed by entitled relatives.
The list
The list is published in a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file format. This acts like a spreadsheet and although it can be opened in any text editor it is is best viewed in a spreadsheet application, such as Microsoft Excel, Google Docs or OpenOffice Calc.
If you are looking for a particular estate you can search by using Ctrl-F in your browser, text editor or spreadsheet application.
The list is updated every working day and newly advertised estates appear at the top of the list. After one day of publication, new estates drop into the rest of the list in alphabetical order.
Any estates where the the Bona Vacantia division (BVD) no longer has an interest, for example, when a claim to an estate has been admitted, will be removed daily.
BVD provides as much genealogical information as it holds on its files, subject to its obligations under the Data Protection Act and any other legal requirements. If a field is blank then BVD either do not hold the information or it may be held in paper files stored off-site (historic cases). BVD are currently working to update the historic estates on the list with information that may be held on their paper files.
Claiming an Estate
BVD cannot tell you if you are related to any person whose estate appears on the list. It is the responsibility of claimants to identify their relationship to the deceased and then to submit documentary evidence, including ID documents, to prove that relationship.
Further information can be found in the guide on how to Make a claim to a deceased person’s estate
However, if you believe you have an entitlement to share in one of the estates on the list then please email bvestates@tsol.gsi.gov.uk with a simple family tree which shows how you are related to the deceased and provide the deceased’s name, date of death and our case reference number in your e-mail.
Alternatively, you can write to BVD with the information at
Bona Vacantia - Estates
Treasury Solicitor's Department
PO Box 70165
Switchboard 020 7210 4700
BVD aim to contact you within 20 working days to confirm what documentary evidence you will need to supply in order for us to deal with your claim.
You should always provide BVD with the BV reference number when you contact them about an estate on the list.
Please note: The list cannot be guaranteed to be complete and correct and no warranties are given or implied to that effect. Copies of the list held on other sources or provided by third parties other than the Treasury Solicitor cannot be guaranteed to be accurate or up-to-date. The Treasury Solicitor does not accept any responsibility for any loss whatsoever which might result from reliance thereon.